Aslan is on the move!

Our blog has been silent for a while. This covers an absolutely busy period here in the student ministry in Montenegro. In all that happened, we are astonished by how God work in the lives of people because he calls them into his love and invites them into a living relationship with him.

Pour yourselves a good cup of coffee or tea and enjoy reading about the last months work of God in our country!

God is working! 

We want, as always, to start with God. In the last month, God has indeed been working in deep ways in the lives of people. It has lead our thoughts to the well-know books of C.S. Lewis, known as the serial of "Narnia" In the most famous of the books: "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is a description of the Lion Aslan, as in this fictive universe is a god-figure:

"They say Aslan is on the move - perhaps has already landed. And now a very curious thing happened. None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do; but the moment the Beaver had spoken these words everyone felt quite different. Perhaps it has sometimes happened to you in a dream that someone says something which you don't understand but in the dream it feels as if it had some enormous meaning - either a terrifying one which turns the whole dream into a nightmare or else a lovely meaning too lovely to put into words, which makes the dream so beautiful that you remember it all your life and are always wishing you could get into that dream again. It was like that now. At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something jump in its inside. Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or some delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or the beginning of summer. " (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, chapter 7). 

God is moving right now in this country in overwhelming and surprising ways. God has landed here and student, who did now know him, have begun to invite him into their lives! On daily basis, we meet students who search after meaning, hope, love, redemption or forgiveness but haven't been able to find that place yet where their souls and hearts can rest. Maybe they have heard a bit about God before through cultural traditions, however, they haven't got to know him for real yet. Meeting us or other Christians make something awake in them. In this passage from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", we see that both the reader and the four different children in the story, feel the difference regarding the character of Aslan - a gigantic difference, but without knowing who he is. This describes the same circumstances we meet through the students here. It is like the darkness and coldness of the winter - not only at a concrete plan but also in a deep spiritual place - is over and the light and heat from the season of summer takes over!

Aslan is a symbol of God himself. Standing at
the top of a mountain proclaiming the new
times under his leadership as a roaring lion!
Our thoughts are lead to the words coming from the Prophet Isaiah 52,7:

 "How beautiful on the mountains 
are the feet of those who brings good news, 
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation, 

who say to Zion,
Your God reigns!"

It was Jesus who brought the good news, also in the Bible described as the lion of Judah - the powerful and majestic king from the blood of Judah - who came over the mountains of Israel proclaiming the good news about peace and salvation while taking sin and death on him so we never need to face these things our selves. The people of Montenegro longs after these things that only he can give! And they start to receive it in their hearts. 

Easter camp: 
Marina (student), Martina (student and volunteer in EUS) and Rebekka (worker) attended KFS' (IFES in Denmark) easter camp in April. The theme of the camp was: "God's mission - for us - for the world". Approximately 500 students participated from both highschools and universities all across Denmark.

Some of the time at the camp, they used with Danish
people who in different ways have been in
Montenegro over the years. They are many more people
than on this picture! 

In the mornings we were attending bible teaching covering the book of Isaiah together with the university students followed by discussion groups.

In the afternoons we were following different seminars and tracks. And in the evenings we were at big evening meetings with different national- and international speakers.

Martina and Marina were not the only
international guests at the camp. On this
picture, they are standing with students from
Israel, Rumania and Brasil. 

Both Marina, Martina and Rebekka were especially encouraged by one of the tracks they were following three days in a row. The theme was "Leadership". The track equipped and pointed to different aspects of it such as the excitements, meaningfulness and challenges of leadership in church environments. It was a great possibility to get better tools in the area of leadership.

Worship at the evening meetings! 
In general, the camp was an encouraging experience that they will bring with them in their everyday life with students in Montenegro.

Balkan Staff Consultation: 
Just after Easter in April, we were all participating in the Balkan Staff Consultation which was very encouraging for us as a team. It was good to get the chance to hear and learn from the other countries in our region such as: Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania and Macedonia. Every morning, we were encouraged through talks from Robert Grahmann, Senior Missions Ambassador in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, who took us through the first chapters of Paul's letters to the Ephesians. In the same time, we were very proud of being the hosts for this event by having the conference at the coastal line of Montenegro in the city of Bar.

All of the participants at the consultation! 

Robert Grahmann was teaching us from
Paul's letter to the Ephesians. 

Q&A with Robert Grahmann! 

Danish team: 

In April, we hosted 13 students from KFS' bible school for 2 weeks. We are still standing in awe over all the amazing testimonies from their time here.

The Danish team together with Montenegrin students
at the local hotel Vucje. 
In the first days, we were having different outreaches on the university and other locations in the town, hosting Danish corner, Danish evening, a concert at a local Bar and a hike. This was followed by a bible-camp over a weekend where we heard talks, had discussion groups and lots of time to get to know each other better. The last days were based on following up on all the contacts that were done while the team was here.

Meeting students at the
university doing "Danish Corner". 

Walking through cold water at a hike in the

Fellowship at a mountain top between
Danish and Montenegrin people. 
We are very encouraged by seeing students' hearts connecting with God and we are still working at following up on the many students we got to know.

Our office was packed to two events! 
Our time with the Danish team reminded us of Psalm 126,5-7:

"Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them." 

Another hike at Vucje.

Fellowship was a key element while the Danes
were here. 
Sometimes, the ground in this country is so hard and tough to sow the word of God in. In the time, where we had the Danes here, we experienced to have a very joyful harvest while reaping was so encouraging.

God is indeed alive and works in the lives of people!

Science event in Podgorica: 

Just a couple of days after our goodbye to the Danish team, we were hosting an apologetic event in our capital - Podgorica. Nuclear physicist and cosmologist Aleksander Fink from Germany talked about the theme: "Did science bury God"?

In the morning, we had an event at the Mediterranean University where the local media were present. Later, we hosted an event at a conference center where more than 200 people participated and asked critical questions to the speaker.

Many people came to listen to Dr. Fink. 

As a direct consequence of the time with the Danish team and Dr. Fink, we started a bible study group with students in Podgorica! This is the first time, since EUS started in 2009, that we can expand our work to the capital of our country. We are very exited and thrilled!

General Secretary meeting: 

In the time after the team and the events in Podgorica, Danijel (General Secretary of EUS), went to Croatia participating in the yearly European general secretary meeting. It was nice and encouraging for him to meet the others from different nations and get inspiration from the others.

Prayer requests and future plans: 

Join us in praise and thankgiving to God over the last months good work he has done in our town and country. We are stading in awe and wonders to the hearts he has touched. Please pray for the students hearts and minds to grow in love and knowledge of Jesus as their king and saviour.

We are looking towards the summer's activities. Please pray for those, while we are still in preparation for them. 

Like many years before this, we are hosting an English team from UCCF (5 students and 2 leaders) for two weeks. They will help us inviting and hosting an English Camp for students. Daily, we will have talks from the bible and English language classes mixed with different sports- and evening activities.

Once again, we are having the sports camp; Camp Monty. During the camp we will share the gospel with children through sports- and language activities.   

Hallelujah God is good!


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