Jun - August; Summer 2013 Update

Summer is on the end for us and we have to face the rainy and cold days that are slowly coming to Montenegro.We praise the Lord for very fruitful summer trough many camps and meetings with students and teenagers.

In this update you can see:

  • Summer Camps
  • Student leadership Formacion - Go 2 grow
  • Danica and Violeta 


This summer we had some great camps and we meet many new people.
  • English Camp 
We are thankful to God for using the UCCF team who helped us in June having English Camp in mountains close to town of Nikšić.
We had around 15 new people, and very good Bible workshops, English lessons and great fellowship.
We give praise to God that some people were reading Bible for very first time, and starting to grow in knowledge about God and His work.

  • Camp Monty (sport camp in Nikšić) 
I will be brave to say that this year we had best Camp Monty ever :) It was best not because we were great sport players, or musicians, or had great talks but because we could really see God working in hearts of young people and also in ours. Yes, we did have a lot of playing sports (football, basketball, american football, tennis, baseball) but we also had great evenings where people were sharing testimonies and talks about Jesus. 
One of the most encouraging things for me was to see a lot of young people (about 50 of them) coming in front the stage CRYING and saying: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN ME, BUT I HAVE NEVER SEEN JESUS ON THIS WAY!  I have to tell you that I never seen something like that happening  in Montenegro!

Please pray for us while we trying to disciple and to bring this youths to the meetings and to encourage them to continue to live together with Jesus every day. We do not want this to be for them only nice emotional experience with God but we know that they can have fullness of life in Christ every day! So pray for us and  new worker Saša Olah who moved to Nikšić to do youth ministry trough football couching. 
  •  Preaching on the mountain Tara (Student camp in Serbia) 
Another great camp. This camp on mountain of Tara in Serbia was organized by EUS (www.eus.rs) in the middle of August. We were part of the camp together with 10 more students from Montenegro and our two great friends from Denmark Tanja and Rebekka who are coming two summers in roll to Montenegro to help with student work during the summer period. I am just using this chance to thank them for their commitment, work and time, so... thank you T & R :)
Back to camp Tara: We were very blessed with good workshops, talks and fellowship. Together with the team from Seattle USA (who helped us to organize the camp)  and staff there were around 80 people on the camp. That was good time for all of us. Time of growing and learning, specially because there were many people who never been on such camp where people were taking about the Bible and how your faith influence every day and aspects of our life.
We were trying to answer key questions: What does mean to be Christian? How your faith in Christ influence your work, studies, family relationships, and relationships with other people around you?
We had a lot of responses on our messages. Some were challenging and some were very positive.

So keep us in prayer, together with the staff from Serbia, while we continue discipleship with these young minds who are challenged every day by many world views. 

Grow 2 Go - Student Leadership Formacion 

This year we had two students on IFES Europe training for young leaders, Formacion 2013 that took place in Poland.
Marko and Jelena were very happy to be part of something big like Formacion, specially to meet  all these students from all around the Europe, Middle East and North Africa. They heard great teachings and had some very good training that will help them to carry on and start to lead others to Christ.
In country like  Montenegro where there is not more than 150 evangelical believers it is crucial to build leaders that will disciple others.  Please keep them in prayers now when they started semester that they can be light among their friends on university. 

Danica and Violeta - Norway, Brasil

Danica - Violeta 
We have send missionaries! :)  Two student girls Danica and Violeta from Montenegro are now in Norway in school called Hald (www.hald.no). They are together with many students from other countries from Asia, Latin America, Africa and also Norway. They are learning about the mission, leadership, communication, culture differences and from October Violeta and Danica will go in Brasil for another 6 months. They will be in Belo Horizonte and work with IFES group in that city.
We very thankful to God for all this possibilities and connections. Let us carry  in prayer this two young girls who were brave to go for one year of training and work in another culture.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise for great camps and new people
  • Pray for discipleing 
  • Pray that God will build new young leaders in MNE
  • Pray for new semester and ministry in MNE 

You will hear from us soon in the new post. 

May God bless you all! 


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