Make disciples!?
With only two students meetings left before our summerprogram starts, we will look back on a blessed and intense month. Maybe many students are very busy studying for the final exams of this semester, but that doesn’t mean that we are doing less.
However, before doing that we want to share something regarding the basic truth from the gospel, that stands out for us in our daily lives in the ministry with students and has been in focus for us even more the last week. It is the last recorded words from Jesus in the gospel of Mathew. He says:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go an make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mathew 28, 18-20).
However, before doing that we want to share something regarding the basic truth from the gospel, that stands out for us in our daily lives in the ministry with students and has been in focus for us even more the last week. It is the last recorded words from Jesus in the gospel of Mathew. He says:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go an make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mathew 28, 18-20).
The last blog pointed on the fact from the Easter, that Jesus gave his life, so we never need to lose it! However, do we live in the fact of that in our daily lifes? In these words from Jesus, who are to all who have received his salvation and who desires to live with him, he calls them and us to “make disciples” by “teaching them to obey everything I (God) have commanded you (the disciples)”. It sounds simple, but everyday we need to take this calling serious. We need to look and be full of God’s grace, mercy and love he is reaching out for us on the cross and resurrection, to see the importance to reach it out to others. We need to see this daily, to not forget it, to not fall asleep and fall away from Jesus. Everyday, we try to live in this knowledge so we can reach Jesus’ love and mercy to others and make disciples and followers of him.
Balkan - FEUER - conference
Last week we were apart of participating and hosting the conference “FEUER”. The conference is formed and shaped by IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students), which EUS is a part of, and this specific conference were initiated by a couple of the general secretaries from the Balkan evangelical student movements. However, because the conference was held in Montenegro in the city of Bar, we of caused helped with different practical things like: Hosting people, transportation, practical things regarding visas or things with the hotel and worship. Also, Jelena (staff worker) help with showing how you can implement drama or sketches into an evangelistic talk.
Jelena and a colleague from Serbia show a sketch you can implement in an evangelistic talk. Such a powerful experience for all of us. |
The whole team leading worship on the conference. |
Just to give a little idea what this conference is all about, ‘Feuer' in German means ‘fire’ and this points on the vision for the conference: To educate public evangelistic speakers to create fire of Jesus in people’s lives all around Europe. Some of you have maybe heard about events like Mission-weeks, Veritas or other evangelistic events and specifically to event like this we wants to develop our skills in giving a talk which fits to the people showing up. These tools we can use in our weekly work in relations to students meetings where mostly one from our team are giving a talk, for leading our bible studies even better or for our meetings with people one-to-one. However, we also on yearly basis have bigger evangelistic event like when the Danish team were here in March, with semester starts in October and February, with both English camp and Camp Monty in the summer season and other holiday-celebrations over the year.
People came to the conference from of cause Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and also we had guest from Ukraine and Belarus (even though there are not from this area). And what a blessed time it was!
All participants together! |
The groups listening to the seminar "How the think in mission through the whole year". |
Another seminar about "How to use literature and art in your evangelistic talk". |
Even though the conference were only for 3 nights, we were very full of impressions and got so many new tools to implement in our daily work in Montenegro. We were encourage to hear about all the good things going on in our neighbouring countries and to spend time with people working in the same field like us! We are full of gratefulness and blessings while we are challenged to take new steps in the students ministry.
All believers meeting
All of the evangelical churches and all mission-workers in Montenegro standing together worshipping the Lord. |
Only two days after the conference, we were attending the “All-believers meeting” for all the evangelical churches and mission-workers in Montenegro. This year it was the Roma church in Podgorica who hosted the event. The theme for this day together was “Unity in differences” which gave us a great encouragement through two messages shared doing the day. In the same time it was good to hear about some of all the good work going on in the country and meet people working for the same case as us: To created followers of Christ in Montenegro. Again, some from our team help in the worship band. We look back on this day with great joy.
Danijel and Pete from our team were a part of the worship team at the All believers meeting. |
We want to share a video with your all from the day:
Hang out:
Just a couple of days ago we chose to have a hang out evening, inviting students home to Danijel and his family for ‘Pull Pork’ (American dish) and fellowship. It was good spending time together and have fellowship with one-another. Some of the students we didn't see for a while so this event gave us a great chance to see them again. We played music, talked and shared life together.
"Pull pork" as Americans would have made it! |
Fellowship around the tables sharing lives. |
As mention in the beginning of this blog we are now facing the summer-season with other activities. In less than two weeks we are having a team from Great Britain coming for two weeks. They are going to host an English Camp for university students where we will have fellowship around learning English and spending time with God. And after that we are having a even bigger American team coming to host Camp Monty, a sports camp for all children and young students in the town of Niksic.
These two events give us a great opportunity to get to know new students in this time, to share the gospel with them and start new friendship.
Prayer requests:
- Please pray for new tool being incorporated in the work among students.
- Please pray for English Camp and Camp Monty, especially regarding children and young people to receive Jesus in their lives and for us as a team in following up on them.
- Please pray for the end of this semester. For the students who needs to finish the exam and for students to continue seeking Jesus in their lives.
- Please pray for the summer vacation (in August) that it will give us renewed energy and strength for the new semester coming up.
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