Easter celebration....

We want to start this blog with the amazing message Easter brings us with words from the bible:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Eph 2,8).

Jesus, God himself, came to earth and became a limited human being because he was the one and only who could save the entire mankind - the entire universe - from the consequences of sin (that we want to be god ourselves instead of letting God be God), which is so destructive, hurting and dark for all. Jesus had no sin inside of him and therefore he could take it upon him and win over the death (the consequence of sin) by raising from the death Easter Sunday so no one need to face death in their lives. That is the most gracious gift we have gotten in our lives and the one thing that drives us in our work and ministry in Montenegro. We want to proclaim this true for the students in Niksic and Montenegro! 

This year both the evangelical, catholic and orthodox easter fall on the same dates which came to great blessings for us in the team where we got the chance to go on different conferences over the Holliday.

Sasa, Rebekka (from our team) were travelling with one of our students to Denmark. There, they were attending the Danish evangelical student organisation's (KFS) yearly Eater conference. It was such an encouraging time for them. The teaching took its point of departure from Martin Luther's thoughts from the reformation with the theme "Standing in Awe of him". However, completely central for the whole conference was the world changing actions of Jesus Christ who took all the mankind's sin on him, so we could get eternal life with him. Also, they got the opportunity to share the work of EUS from the stage so the whole room of 600 Christians students could pray for the country, we are working in. One of the most encouraging moments were the last evening, where approximately 1000 young Christian students were worshipping God together. That is more than 800 people more than there are evangelical believers in Montenegro. What a pre-taste of Heaven!
Just arrived to Denmark all exited for the many experiences that lays ahead of us! 

We were not the only international's on the Danish camp. There were also students from:
Israel, Northern Ireland, Congo and Spain. It was very inspiring to share and listen to stories from christians
that lives in completely different cultures than us.

Just a couple of weeks ago, we had a Danish team here in Niksic. We got a chance to meet up with people
from the team from this year and last year. A good and encouraging time in fellowship with one another.

The last evening's worship! How amazing it was to worship with 1000 christian students!  
A way to early morning in the airport of Copenhagen. We are richer in so many experiences and full of good
preachings about God. We are more than grateful to have gotten this opportunity!

While one group was in Denmark, Danijel and Jelena (from our team) went with two students to Germany for IFES' Europe Easter conference that only take place every 3th - 5th year different places in Europe. The theme of the conference was "Presence". Around 2000 students and IFES workers from all Europe (40 different national movements) were gathered to celebrate Easter and Jesus together. Behind the theme was that the participants were going to reflect on God's presence in their lives, celebrate Easter together and focus on how they can make the most of their presence at the university. It was a great encouragement too! Especially the morning teaching from Michael Ramsden were touching and inspired to be even more aware of the presence of God is our lives. Also spending time with Christians from all over Europe gave a good refreshment and inspiration to continue our work here in Montenegro. Jelena even ended up by giving her testimony and shared about the work here on the TV channel for the camp which hopefully created an encouragement for those who were watching it!

Thanks Jesus for the encouragement and refreshments of conferences!

What better symbol is there for the Easter than a cross that lights in the darkness?! 

Jelena from our team is interviewed about her story with God and about the work
going on in Montenegro.

Worship was also a huge part of the conference.

Evangelical christian students from all over Europe celebrating Easter together.
Such an encouraging photo! 
Wednesday, this week, we started up our student meeting again, after coming home from the different conferences. It was a great evening! Peter S. was giving a talk about the resurrection of Jesus and afterwards we discussed some really deep questions in small groups like: "If you were standing in front of God, which question would you ask him" or "What holds you back from giving your life to Jesus".  In the end we had a good fellowship time eating pancakes and waffles!
Pete is giving a talk about the resurrection. 

All focused listening and reflection on the word.

Christ is risen! 


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