Mission Week in Belgrade

 After week we spent in Belgrade, we are back to our home town, to our homes and everyday activities in ministry. It was amazing! We are still overwhelmed!!!
This was a great chance for us, for our group, ministry and volunteers to go and to help on such a big event. As you now, we had a Mission Week with Michael Ots in April this year here in Niksic and the group from Belgrade invited us to help on their event. Interesting thing is that, even if we are a smaller movement, we were going to help. With experience we already had, open hearted and ready to give our best, eight of us gone to Belgrade.  We were so blessed and such a big blessing to our brothers and sisters there.   
It was amazing to see 30 different people with heart full of fire for the service, standing around the same goal: to share the gospel and their faith with new people.
Neither cold weather didn't
 stopped us to be every day on the street with free and warm coffee and tea, to talk with young people, giving flyers, ask very important questions of life, and invite them to join us in the evening on debate or evening sessions.
First night we had debate ‘’Does God exist’’, with Michael Ots who was representative of the EUS Serbia and Bojan Dragicevic who was representative of Union of atheists of Serbia. Great night, with great questions and answers.

Next three nights we had teachings on different topics:

·         What kind of God want us to suffer?
·         What kind of God send people to hell?
·         What is your value?

During the programs students had a chance to hear the speaker, testimonies of students, worship songs and drama.
Some of the members from our team stayed to help with follow up and some gone back to Montenegro, to attend teachings on the Youth conference for young believers and leaders in Montenegro.

Nikšić Youth Center

Finally, we have our own office and place to have all our youth activities... 
I must say we are all very excited for that!!! It is very close to University, so it will be even easier for students and high schoolers who are coming on our events to join us. So, all the activities, concerts, Bible studies, Conversation Club will be moved there. New office will make it possible to have all different kind of promotions, seminars, projections and main goal is to have warm atmosphere for our members, and work can be more productive and comfortable.
We've finished the first part of the decoration and we are looking forward for final work on it.
We are really blessed! And thankful for the resources given to us.

Bible Study group

With the beginning of September and a new semester, our Bible group has continued with gatherings. We continued to study the gospel of Luke and our group is even bigger then the last
semester. Students are very excited and it’s a great atmosphere every time.

Conversation Club                                                                                          
As Bible study group, Conversation club group is growing, too. We have great time together with new people, new topics, new energy, even guests from Turkey and Czech Republic. We are an international crew. J We’re moving the Conversation club to the new office, too. It is near to University, so people can always join us after and between the classes. We’re looking forward for it!


Conference on Zlatibor

As we get used to it, with autumn days came the conference too. We join students all over the Serbia to hear more about God, to grow more and to enjoy in fellowship and friendships. We studied the Epistle to the Philippians and the focus and main topic was ,, Rejoice”. Rejoice in Christ! Four different speakers shared from the Word about different subtopics:
·         Rejoice in sufferings
·         Rejoice in service
·         Rejoice in believing
·         Rejoice in giving
It was amazing and encouraging to see that all students were on every lecture, to see how God touched them through the Word and to hear some of them make very important decisions in their lives!
It was a wonderful weekend with awesome people.
Now, we are ready to do a step forward. We will join the crew in Belgrade on their very first Mission Week on University, so we are excited to see how God will work trough this event. Christmas is so close, we are ready for Christmas programs… J

This year as all other years, we had Camp Monty with so many different activities: sports, English
classes, evening Bible teachings and concerts. A big group of people came from USA. Before the
camp has started, we spent some time with people from the team
and our time was blessed. 
A big number of kids attended the camp and we saw also so many of those who were the previous years. It was great to see them again and to strengthen our relationships. After the camp has finished, a few of us and some locals gone to visit the coast and spent a whole day there, hanging out, playing on the beach etc.

 Praise and Prayer
·                     Praise to our Lord that he gave us opportunity to have good talks and discussions with the students
·                     Praise that even thou we were in smaller number this year we had the opportunity to have new members and that we’re growing
·                     Pray that we stay in contact with the people and continue building our relationships
·                     Pray for  the preparations in our new office and other  activities we plan to do
·                     Pray for the new people that made a decision to follow Christ they will do that with all heart and they will become more closer to our Lord

Thank you for all your support and prayers until now. May our Lord bless you!


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