Spring Update 2014 

Dear friends, this semester had some challenges on the beginning but how time was passing we could see Lords leadership and guidance.

Bible Study group
In our weekly BS group we have sweet problems now. It is to many of us, so our home is too small now :) There is large number of students joining us on regular basis and we read and study the gospel of Luke. It is great to see how more students are interested to read the Bible and discus about what we read. It is encouraging that we might have to make two groups or to rent apartment that we can have our meetings there. Pray that we can be wise to decide if that would be good option for the future work. 

Conversation Club
We had some new people coming, yeeeee :) Some new students heard about CC so they decided to join us. Also we have moved CC  back to University cafe so more people could join in. It is easier for students to come on CC when we are at University building because they can join us just after classes. 

Balkan Staff Consultations 2014

Once a year, IFES staff workers from Balkan region are gathering to share their experience, to pray and read the Word together.  It was great to have people form almost all Balkan countries and to hear what the Lord is doing among students in the region.  This year we were meeting in Macedonia. We were very encouraged by some movements (like Albanian), when we heard  how they managed to organize mission weeks  on the universities  and they have similar problems like we do in our own culture in Montenegro.  Hearing their experience helped us to prepare better for upcoming mission week in April.

Mission Week 
(first one in MNE)

We have organized first MW on Montenegrin University where we had large group of students from UCCF (Great Britain)

 Three days in a roll we have organized British corner. That was like a little stand in faculty building at the English department, so students from Nikšić university could get to know us better, who we are, what do we do, get to know students form GB and to speak English. This was great thing because during this time on the British corner we could meet many
students and professors and to invite them on the evening events.

Evening events took place also at University building and we got to use the biggest classroom in NK University that can receive about 150 people. Main thing on the evening events were topics from the book What kind of God that Michael Ots wrote and we were trying to answer 3 big questions that young people have considering God: What kind of God would limit my sexuality, What kind of God allows suffering in the world, What am I worth (identity)

Great response from students. A lot of questions and comments. All three nights we had almost full classroom and every evening was more people. About 30 students left their contacts so we have decided to start a new bible study group for new people who want to learn more about What is the character of God.
We would love to have more of these events in Montenegro. It would be god to have it once a year.  

July will be busy month
We are getting in the summer season, so that means having camps :D

First summer camp is the camp of English language where we going to host another team from GB and take all students who are interested to study English language by reading and discussing the Bible texts

Sport camp Monty will be in the town of NIkšić and like every year we have big team from USA to help. This camp is great because can gather a lot of kid s and teens during the day for sports or learning English and on the evening we have Christian talks. So after the day kids go home.

Students camp in Serbia. There will be camp in Serbian mountains from students from all over Serbia. We usually had group of students joining this camp also, so our students can experience bigger fellowship with other Christian students from the region.

Prayer points:
  • Pray for our preparations for all this camps.
  • Pray for new people who heard the Word on the Mission week and students who said that they would like to study the Bible. (New Bible study group)
  • Pray for old BS group that grew biger. We need to find solution for space.
  • Pray that we can register student movement until end of this year.

God bless you all  


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