
Приказују се постови за 2019

Busy times

   Dear all,     we are very thankful for this busy period in our lives.  As hard as it can get,  it also felt blessed and lead by God in many situations we were in.     We are looking forward to Easter and in this time we are remembered of the gift we got from Him. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us  new birth into a living hope  through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. “  1 Peter 1:3         Peter Thorlund    As from the 20th of February Peter Thorlund  from Denmark joined our team for three months. We are blessed having him with us cause he’s a young and cheerful guy eager to help and work for the Kingdom of God.          A team of Ukranians  from  YWAM was in Niksic for a month. They were helping in church and with student mini...
Dear friends,  First let us apologize for not writing for some time now.   Rebekka  This summer we had to say goodbye to our Rebekka Rasmussen who was serving with us in Montenegro for 2 years. It was hard saying goodbye but knowing she would continue working for KFS Denmark gave us certainty we would see her again in the future. She has been truly a blessing for all of us here and the work in EUSCG. Rebekka will be still visiting us once a year. We are looking forward to that.  ENGLISH CAMP 2018 Like every year we had the English camp and this year we returned to Vučje. We had new people coming. We were a smaller group but we had a fruitful experience.  Having UCCF group coming and having English camp has definitely been blessing for our students and us. In 2019 unfortunately we will not have the UCCF group coming because in the same time there would be IFES World Assembly     CAMP MONTY After English Camp we...