
Приказују се постови за април, 2014
Spring Update 2014  Dear friends, this semester had some challenges on the beginning but how time was passing we could see Lords leadership and guidance. Bible Study group In our weekly BS group we have sweet problems now. It is to many of us, so our home is too small now :) There is large number of students joining us on regular basis and we read and study the gospel of Luke. It is great to see how more students are interested to read the Bible and discus about what we read. It is encouraging that we might have to make two groups or to rent apartment that we can have our meetings there. Pray that we can be wise to decide if that would be good option for the future work.  Conversation Club We had some new people coming, yeeeee :) Some new students heard about CC so they decided to join us. Also we have moved CC  back to University cafe so more people could join in. It is easier for students to come on CC when we are at University building because they c...